Take a look at our 2024-2025 Strategic Plan, and if you have any feedback please use the form below.
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Take a look at our 2024-2025 Strategic Plan, and if you have any feedback please use the form below.
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Opening up Education
OpenCases: Case Studies on Openness in Education
Open Education Consortium
Office of Educational Technology
The 21st Century Polytechnic University
The Evolution of a Polytechnic University
Polytechnic Summit 2024
Inclusive Teaching
Higher Education Equity Gaps
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Dear Trailblazer Nation,
Guided by the six goals of our last strategic plan, Dixie 2024: Status to Stature, Dixie State University has grown tremendously in the number and diversity of programs offered, student attendance, and facilities available in the past five years. This growth has garnered immense excitement for the future of our beloved institution. Building off this momentum, we are eager to create the next strategic plan that will guide our growth into the year 2025.
Now that we have successfully achieved university stature, this next strategic plan will shape what our university will look like for generations to come. Some things will never change: we will continue to rank our students’ success as our top priority, offer educational and cultural opportunities to our community, and meet the needs of our faculty and staff, as they play a vitally important role in fulfilling our educational mission and meeting our strategic goals.
As we prepare to launch our new plan in the fall of 2024, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee is already hard at work. As part of this process, the committee is hosting town hall meetings and conducting research to ensure the voices of the entire campus and Washington County communities are heard. With this feedback, the committee is refining DSU’s core values, vision and mission; developing desired outcomes; formulating strategies; developing the implementation plan; and ultimately completing the strategic plan.
Within each step of the process, there is ample opportunity for community-wide involvement and feedback. I encourage you to take full advantage of this and share your ideas in the Community Comments section above to ensure the plan we craft accurately reflects on the values and priorities of Dixie as a whole.
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Phone: 435-652-7502
Office: South Admin
Dixie State University
225 South University Avenue
St. George, UT 84770